Frequently Asked Questions
Can dryness occur?
Initially some dryness and/or flakiness may be experienced, this is only temporary. If dryness occurs, increase the amount of hydrator and moisturizer as needed.
What does a tingling sensation mean?
Some skins may experience a tingling sensation; this simply means the product is working. It should not be uncomfortable. You can calm down the exfoliant's action by applying the hydrator and moisturizer as needed, only do this if necessary.
Are exfoliants like Aloe Exfoliant difficult and cumbersome to use?
No!! Exfoliants when used properly, as directed, are very simple to use. A typical exfoliation regimen takes only 12 - 15 minutes, and can be performed while doing other tasks. Nancy K. Brown provides you with full instructions on its packaging and in its brochures / literature.
- click here to download the Nancy K. Brown Aloe Exfoliant Glycolic Usage Brochure - English version
- cliquez ici pour télécharger la brochure de l'utilisation d'Aloe Exfoliant glycolique de Nancy K. Brown - version française
- click here 點擊此處下載Nancy K. Brown蘆薈去角質乙醇酸使用手冊 - 中文普通話版
Can breakouts occur?
Yes, breakouts can occur and the use of any exfoliant may initially cause breakouts. The size and duration of the breakouts depends upon the condition of your skin. The breakout is the result of the cleaning out of he dermis by the Glycolic, in particular the cleaning out of plugged ducts, pores and follicles and the bringing of debris and contaminants found there to the surface. This is beneficial and will subside once the dermis is cleaned out. It is only temporary. Do not become discouraged, it shows that the Glycolic is working and providing benefit.
Results, how quickly can I see them?
This is different for everyone. It may take up to two weeks before results are visible. In all likelihood it has taken quite sometime to get your skin to its present condition, so it will take sometime to correct that. Do not become discouraged, remember dedication will bring results, stay with your routine.
Can exfoliation cause broken blood vessels?
No!! Too much sun causes broken capillaries. It is a form of sun damage.
Does Glycolic make skin sensitive to the sun?
No!! Glycolic is not a photosensitizer; it removes the layers of dead skin cells, which do not offer any protection from the sun.
Does Glycolic thin the skin?
No!! Glycolic removes only the layers of dead skin cells, not living cell layers! In fact Glycolic helps promote skin cell growth and regeneration. Glycolic also helps promote the skin's own collagen and elastin production.
Can I over excite my skin with regular Glycolic use?
No!! The regular use of Glycolic promotes proper skin cell functioning, within its natural limits. The regimen varies from person to person; establish what is comfortable for you and your skin.
Can I use Glycolic all year-round?
Yes, absolutely. For the great Results and continued benefit using Glycolic on a regular basis year-round is the best. People who tell you that you can only use Glycolic during certain times of the year are wrong. You can and should use Glycolic Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter !
Why do some faces become red when Aloe Vera is applied?
This is called the 'Aloe Glow'. After the application of Aloe Vera some redness may occur. This is very beneficial; the redness will go away in a short period of time. The redness that may occur is a visible demonstration that our Whole Leaf Cold Processed Aloe Vera is an active botanical and is doing its beneficial work. It is the result of increased blood circulation and oxygen to the skin, aiding in cellular respiration and the removal of waste and toxins. It is different for everyone, and some people show it more than others. The skin may also become a little warm, however it should not become hot and uncomfortable.
Are all Glycolic containing products created equal?
No, there are a wide variety of formulations, purities and percentages. The best approach is to ask yourself the six (6) fundamental questions, as outlined in the section 'Questions to ask when selecting an Exfoliant.'
How do I know I am sensitive to a GLYCOLIC containing product?
Very few incidents of sensitivity or allergy to properly prepared glycolic products exist. Sensitivity or allergy is usually the result of improper preparation, the addition of coloring agents, fillers, fragrances or other additives. If sensitivity or allergy is suspected the following procedure will provide definitive proof if this is so:
1) | apply a small amount of the Glycolic product to the inside of the elbow. |
2) | wait for five to ten minutes - that is usually enough time to see any reaction. |
3) | note any symptoms - for allergic or sensitive reaction the following should appear. a) itching b) a burning sensation c) welts or swelling d) an uncomfortable feeling |
With the use of Glycolic a slight tingling sensation may be experienced, this is normal. Nancy K. Brown Aloe Exfoliant Glycolic products are non-comedogenic, non allergenic, free of alcohol, disinfectants, fillers, perfumes and coloring agents.
Is the use of HomeCare products really important?
Yes!! The HomeCare products provide maintenance and complement what the Skin Care Professional does in the salon. It is like maintaining your teeth. You can go to the dentist twice a year and leave it at that, doing nothing at home or you can visit your dentist and do dental HomeCare. You decide! What will offer the best results and maintain the health of your teeth!
Skin care is the same, if you do something every once in a while you will not experience the benefits. A regular skin care regimen will provide cumulative results; your skin will continue to improve.
Do I have to use Glycolic for the rest of my life?
That depends. Do you want to keep seeing improvements? Do you want to reduce the visible signs of aging? Do you want your skin to be the best it can be at any age? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the answer is yes. Good skin is an investment that gives continuous benefits, and like all investments it requires a little work. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, it deserves attention and the best care possible.
Does Glycolic give continued benefits?
Yes!! Although the results over time may become less dramatic, as your skin has improved and become healthier with use, the results are still there. The results from Glycolic are cumulative and build upon themselves. The worst, most visible, problems are addressed first, and it is for this reason that the initial results are so spectacular. Subsequent results are no less important however, and continue to benefit your skin.
Does Glycolic help with the skin's collagen and elastin production and repair?
Yes, Glycolic helps stimulate and feed your skin's own natural collagen and elastin production and repair! Glycolic has the ability to supply Purine production at the site of DNA damage, stimulating a stronger and faster growth of new collagen and repair of collagen damage. Glycolic does this by being broken down by the skin's own metabolism into Glycine through the glycolic acid cycle in the skin. Glycine in turn is converted to Purine through the glycine-allantoin cycle. DNA and RNA are purine bases (i.e. they are made up of purine derivatives).
The use of products, which provide your skin with the building blocks of collagen to make its own collagen, is preferable over the use of external sources such as collagen cremes or injections. Many people are allergic to external sources of collagen, whether derived from animal or plant sources. Furthermore, results obtained from external collagen sources are highly individual, often only temporary, lasting from a few weeks to a few months; no true difference is made in the skin's structure or functioning. Products, which provide your skin with the building blocks of collagen to make its own collagen, do make a lasting difference in the skins structure and function.
this informational service is brought to you by Nancy K. Brown Aesthetics, Inc.