Why Glycolic Acid for skin exfoliation and chemical peels, not any of the other Alpha Hydroxy Acids?
The family of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA's) includes:
Name | Molecular Size |
Glycolic Acid | 2 microns |
Lactic Acid | 3 microns |
Pyruvic Acid | 3 microns |
Malic Acid | 4 microns |
Tartaric Acid | 4 microns |
Citric Acid | 6 microns |
From the above information it can be seen that Glycolic Acid has the smallest molecule size, which makes it best suited for use as the main ingredient for skin exfoliation and peeling in skin care. The small molecular size means that it can be absorbed easily by the skin and enters the ducts, pores and follicles to provide maximum benefit and minimal irritation.
The skin can be compared to a fish net, the openings are only so big, things which are smaller than the openings can pass through and enter, things which are larger than the openings are held back. The skin's openings are minute and of all the Alpha Hydraoxy Acids it is only Glycolic Acid which can pass through effectively and efficiently. The larger sizes of the other Alpha Hydroxy Acids means that they stay on the skin's surface and potentially cause irritation, a fact which does not occur with Glycolic Acid, if employed correctly and if it is formulated properly and incorporated effectively within a skin care product, and if used with the appropriate support products.
Lactic Acid, which at 3 microns in size is only 1 micron larger than Glycolic Acid, is still 50% larger and thus has a much more difficult time passing through, thus decreasing its effectiveness. Glycolic Acid gives maximum absorption effectiveness, due in part to its small molucular size.
This is one of the many reasons why Nancy K. Brown formulates with and encourages the use of Glycolic Acid for skin exfolation and chemical peeling.
Nancy K Brown has developed Aloe Exfoliant® which is an effective blend of the purest Crystalline Grade Glycolic Acid and Whole Leaf Cold Processed Aloe Vera. This unique combination of active botanicals provides you with the exfoliating power of Glycolic Acid and the proven healing, nourishing, hydrating and stimulating properties of Aloe Vera. For skin exfoliation and chemical peeling with less burn, less dryness, less sting, less irritation and more comfort - for effective RESULTS.
Below is are pictures of the atomic and chemical structure of Glycolic Acid. The chemical formula for Glycolic Acid is C2H4O3 (also written as HOCH2COOH). In additon to the benefits listed above, Glycolic Acid is colorless and odorless - other factors making it excellent for skin care use.
this informational service is brought to you by Nancy K. Brown Aesthetics, Inc.